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How video case studies add value to your business

Good case studies can be a powerful sales and marketing tool for your business. They tell your customers’ success stories in a compelling way.

Many people find video an easier and quicker media to access than written text. Showcasing case studies through short videos makes them visually more appealing and easier to digest. Video is becoming an increasingly important method of web-based communication, in 2016 it’s predicted that 55% of all consumer Internet traffic will be online video. (Cisco)

A video case study makes great content for your company website and social media channels, and as YouTube is owned by Google they can be great for helping your website to appear in Google searches. They can also be used directly as a sales tool by your sales team, enabling your existing customers to endorse your business for you through the medium of video.

Marketers acknowledge the power of video so much so that video production will account for more than one-third of all online advertising spending within the next five years. (Borrell Associates)

We’ve recently completed a video case study for technology solutions company Citrix. They wanted to capture the success of a project they had undertaken for IT giant Computacenter. Our brief was to take the written case study text and plan a short video to showcase the project, and we’re really pleased with the outcome.

The benefit of video case study is that viewers are able to hear first-hand from end users about how a product or service has worked for them. In this case viewers of the Citrix video hear directly from Computacenter Group CEO Mike Norris and other key figures at Computacenter about why they chose Citrix technology and how well it works for them.

This is a great endorsement for Citrix, both because of what Mike says about Citrix technology and because he was so pleased with the products and service he’d received from Citrix he was happy to be filmed talking about it. Featuring in the Citrix video is also great promotion for Computacenter, anyone who sees the video will hear about all Computercentre and what they do.

Making a video case about a customer shows them that they’re valued and it’s great for their business as well as yours. If you’ve got a high profile customer who’d be happy to feature as a video case study to endorse your business drop us an email to and we’ll contact you to talk through how we can help.

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